The Trip To Spain
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When Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon's dueling Michael Caine impressions went viral during the first season of their food-tasting TV series, The Trip, it was more or less inevitable that the show's 6.5 hours of eating scallops and celeb impersonations would be edited down into movie form. Ditto with the second season's trip to Italy, which had them eating pasta and doing dueling Al Pacinos and Robert De Niros.
Age is much on their minds this trip: They've both just turned 50, which they're determined to see as the prime of life. (Brydon notes it's about the age Miguel de Cervantes was when he wrote Don Quixote.) But they worry (in the voice of John Hurt, mind you) that they'll soon feel as ancient as the dinosaur tracks they find on their travels.
The point of the trip, though, is Spanish cuisine, which we see sizzling in the kitchen and served with food-porn panache by folks whose fractured English provides the stars with food for improvisation.
In THE TRIP TO SPAIN, improvised, fictionalized versions of the actors Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon pair up again for another restaurant road-trip, this time in Spain. However, much of their time together is spent competing to do the best celebrity impersonations, while juggling their relationships and careers in private.
Film and television series The Trip typically sees British comedians Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon go on a European road trip, trading insults, jokes and spot-on celebrity impressions over Michelin-starred meals.
Drifting from Seville to Granada, over to Ronda, up to Cordoba, and back to Seville we continued to indulge in tapas of every manner for the duration of our trip. Lunch and dinner both became excuses for a glass of wine topped with a pan con tomate or alongside a bocadillo (a Spanish sandwich); a long afternoon walk warranted a small dish of grilled octopus or a plate of sliced chorizo and Manchego with a bowl of olives.
Even watching and listening to these two from a distance is a delight. A teaser like this probably wouldn't work as well if it didn't have the likes of Coogan and Brydon. It's the two of them sitting in a Range Rover, which isn't exactly an exciting premise for a teaser, but with these two characters, it is exciting, knowing another trip with them is waiting for us in the not-too-distant future. The teaser is two minutes of the duo being themselves, and that's all a trailer for one of these movies needs.
Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon reunite with director Michael Winterbottom for another chapter in their hilarious road trip series. This time taking their wit and appetites on a tour through picturesque Spain's finest fine dining, Coogan and Brydon trade celebrity impressions and witty banter over paella and gazpacho, their comic observations on fame and friendship as dry as the finest Spanish wine.
Except there was. The Trip was followed in 2014 by The Trip To Italy, which repeated the formula by having Steve and Rob make a similar journey from Piedmont to Capri, and, as he did after making its predecessor, Winterbottom said there would never be another. Fast-forward to 2017, and Steve and Rob are making another trip, this time from Santander in the north of Spain to Malaga in the south. Once again everything is the same and yet everything is different: over the course of the three films, the two men find their perspectives shifting, both on the subject of love and family and in their search for artistic fulfilment.
Wednesday, Sept. 5, the Tigers will move west to Madrid. The team's final game is scheduled for Thursday against second-division team Melilla, and Friday the Tigers will see the more than 250-year-old Royal Palace. Following a Saturday trip to the Prado Museum, which contains artifacts dating as far back as the 12th century, Princeton will head home Sunday, Sept. 9.
Additionally, for any foodie who will surely be salivating throughout the entire film, a note of what restaurant the scene is filmed at would be helpful. In some scenes you can see the name of the restaurant on the signage or in the kitchen, but in most scenes you cannot. And with dishes and Spanish countryside so aesthetically pleasing and enchanting, nearly all viewers will want to know where the two are and note it for the trip to Spain they are immediately planning for themselves.
Steve Coogan laments the fact that his acting career has not taken off despite his Oscar nominations for screenwriting. He winces when he learns that his agent has abandoned him and that a hot young writer has been hired to polish his latest screenplay. Then his son cancels out on joining him for the end of his trip, and the actor is crestfallen.
Budget Your Trip, which publishes average travel costs for thousands of cities around the world, has budget breakdowns for trips of different time frames and expenses, including accommodation, transportation, tips and more. Young Adventuress dives deep with a budget breakdown for 30+ Spanish cities. 59ce067264