Mission FreeDom Fighters [Low Config]
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Sepulveda Palacios, E. and Smith, H. (2019), \"Impact of mission requirements on the design of low observable UCAV configurations\", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 91 No. 10, pp. 1295-1307. -09-2018-0249
\"The churches of America are citadels of our faith in individual freedom and human dignity. This faith is the living source of all our spiritual strength. And this strength is our matchless armor in our world-wide struggle against the forces of godless tyranny and oppression.\"Message to the National Co-Chairmen, Commission of Religious Organizations, National Conference on Christians and Jews, 7/9/53
FeaturesModern U.S. Navy Amphibious Assault Ships project power and maintain presence by serving as the cornerstone of the amphibious ready group (ARG) or expeditionary strike group (ESG). These ships transport and land elements of the Marine expeditionary unit (MEU) or Marine expeditionary brigade (MEB) with a combination of aircraft and landing craft.The America-class LHAs and Wasp-class LHDs provide the Marine Corps with a means of ship-to-shore movement by helicopter in addition to movement by landing craft. LHAs (and later LHDs) have been participants in major humanitarian-assistance, occupation and combat operations in which the United States has been involved. Such operations have included participating as launch platforms for Marine Corps expeditionary forces into Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001 and 2002, Iraq in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 and humanitarian support after the catastrophic Tsunami in 2004. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, two LHDs served as \"Harrier carriers,\" launching an air group of AV-8B attack aircraft against targets inside Iraq. In 2004, LHDs were used to transport thousands of Marines and their equipment to Iraq and Afghanistan for combat operations. Post Hurricane Katrina support was provided in New Orleans by LHD 7 (Iwo Jima) where thousands of police, fire and rescue personnel were hosted onboard during recovery operations and Iwo Jima operated as the central command and control hub.The USS America (LHA 6) class ships replace the original five Tarawa-class LHAs, which have all been decommissioned. USS America (LHA 6), along with the future USS Tripoli (LHA 7) are LHD variants optimized for aviation capability. America-class ships are designed to accommodate the Marine Corps' future Air Combat Element (ACE) including F-35B Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and MV-22 Osprey with additional aviation maintenance capability and increased fuel capacities, while also providing additional cargo stowage capacities and enabling a broader, more flexible Command and Control capability.The propulsion plant and electrical distribution and auxiliary systems designed and built for USS Makin Island (LHD 8) are also used aboard USS America class ships. USS America (LHA 6) was delivered to the U.S. Navy on April 10, 2014. USS Tripoli (LHA 7) commissioned on July, 15, 2020, while Bougainville (LHA 8) is currently under construction at Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) in Pascagoula, Mississippi and is expected to join the fleet in 2024. LHA 6 and LHA 7, commonly referred to as Flight 0 ships, contain key differences from the LHD class to include: an enlarged hangar deck, enhanced aviation maintenance facilities, increased aviation fuel capacity, additional aviation storerooms, removal of the well deck, and an electronically reconfigurable C4ISR suite. LHA 8 will be the first Flight 1 ship, reincorporating a well deck to enhance expeditionary war fighting capabilities while maintaining the principal aviation characteristics of the Flight 0 via a reduced island.
The sun was low as we steamed out past Robben Island where Nelson Mandela and other freedom fighters were incarcerated. Whales whipped up white foam attracting scores of little tourist powerboats, but we did not deviate. There are plenty of whales where we are going.
In it, you’re cast as Christopher Stone, a humble plumber who’s caught up in a revolution after a Soviet invasion of New York. You start out as just another would-be freedom fighter, sent on missions as you attempt to prevent the Soviets from tightening the noose that they’ve slipped around the city. As word of your deeds spreads, however, other revolutionaries begin to respect you, enough so that they’ll take commands from you, allowing you to form a crack squadron of fighters with which to combat the red menace. Utilizing simple battlefield commands, you’ll be able to split your fighters into different groups, send them to different parts of each level, or tell them to attack or defend autonomously.
Kill the soldiers on the roof and hoist the flag to end the mission. If you want more kills for the end-of-mission tally-up, you can shoot the soldiers that get off the incoming helicopter, but this doesn’t really accomplish anything. After you raise the flag, you’ll get a somewhat implausibly informative cutscene consisting of a propaganda newscast. Congratulations; you’ve survived your first season of freedom fighting.
The interior of the fire station is a series of smallish corridors and stairwells, so send your now-expendable fighters ahead to clear out each section before proceeding yourself. Once you reach the roof, hoist the flag to finish off this chapter of the game, and kiss the day missions goodbye; the rest of the game’s levels take place exclusively at night, which is a shame, considering how nice this game looks when the sun’s up.
From the prison, head back to the manhole where you first entered the level. There’s a small path leading along the canal here; head down it until you reach the area’s second bridge. Blow it with C4, but make sure you stay on the side of the river from which you approached (where all of the freedom fighters are standing around). After it’s been blown, head back once more to the first manhole you came through; head back to base for a restock and autosave.
From the school’s entrance, you’ll need to send all of your fighters down to the lower level of the basketball court to take out the Soviets there. They’ll hide around all of the small containers that they’ve scattered around, but your troops will quickly overtake them, especially if you stay near the entrance to the room and set up a crossfire. From there, it’s a fairly straight path towards the smashed classroom in the upper level that leads out to the flag. Before you raise it, though, you should know that if you end a mission with a machine gun in your hands, it’ll get a full loadout of 300 rounds of ammo when you get back to base.
Your first priority has to be to get some teammates, but unfortunately the louts in the base feel nice and comfy down there, and won’t follow you to any of the island’s other locations. You’ll need to import quality fighters, by destroying the ventilation shaft grating back in the boat landing area. You can’t do that until you have C4, though, so the munitions depot will have to be your first stop. (If you’re critically low on medic kits, you can make a stop by Fort Jay to get some freebies near the manhole, without needing to fight anyone. Just make sure the attack helicopter doesn’t missile you to death. This is true of any of the gaps between these missions; just head to Fort Jay to get the maximum number of medic kits before starting any new area.)
You may have expected some kind of super-challenge here in the final area of the game, but instead you’re confronted with the regular assortment of red berets and grunts. Watch for snipers in the towers near the flags. Proceed to the northeastern flag and raise it first, then backtrack and clean out the areas around the southern flags to finish the game off. Enjoy the final well-made cutscene, and you’ll find that your savegame has become a level-select menu, where you’ll be able to travel back to any of the previous hubs and play any of the missions again. Try the game again on a harder difficulty level, if this was your first play through; the simple fact that you and your fighters take more damage changes the game’s dynamic drastically.
Shotgun Although firing multiple projectiles at once sounds like it’d be a good thing, it often works to your disadvantage in Freedom Fighters, since the shotgun’s spread is so severe that hitting your target at anything other than close range is usually impossible. Each shell will throw out six or seven separate projectiles, though, and any single one will stun a foe; you can use this to your advantage as a crowd suppressant, since you’ll be able to stun multiple enemies that are standing close together. Still, the whole point of having teammates is to let them do the dirty work of killing the enemy; better to just recruit one or two shotgun-wielding freedom fighters and stick to an assault rifle. Ammo can also be somewhat difficult to find, since the rate of fire is rapid enough to make you chew through shells, and only the red beret enemies will be dropping shotguns.
Although it’s much easier to kill with an SMG, compared to an assault rifle, the recoil makes long-range encounters frustrating. You can attempt to control your aim by only firing a few rounds at a time, but this doesn’t play to the strengths of the weapon, which rotate around firing a lot of bullets at once. Although you probably won’t want to make this your first choice of weapon, you will encounter a few freedom fighters with submachine guns as you play through the game, and you should always recruit them, if possible. If you had infinite ammo and computer-controlled aim, it’d be a much better weapon.
To be perfectly honest, you shouldn’t pick every recruit that you come across, even if you have empty slots left. There are a lot of would-be freedom fighters in New York who show up for